a crime / whose / real / motives / are not yet / completely / known / we think / has been / recently / discovered in / couville / near / cherbourg…/
the station / master, alerted / by an / employee / that a nauseating / smell / was coming / from a box / placed in / the left-luggage / office said to open / it…/ a corpse / in / decomposition / was / inside… a / search party / was organized / and very soon / two / people / were arrested / who came to / claim / the funeral / package.../
it was / aubert- / castel and his / partner / marguerite / dubois. /
the identity / of the corpse was / immediately / discovered; / it turns out / that aubert / had / murdered / emile / delahaef / in order / to steal / it seems / a / plasma screen / valued in 1500 / euros…
/ aubert / claims / to have acted / in legitimate / defence…/ after being / insulted / by his / victim / he cracked / her head open / with one blow / of an axe. / then / frightened / to make / the body / disappear / he had / hidden it / in a trunk / in order / to throw it / into / the sea.
all luggage / or packages / left / will be / immediately / destroyed / we ask that / you indicate / the packages or / luggage / that / may seem /suspicious.
please don’t / leave / bagagge / unattended / unattended / baggage will / be removed / and may be / destroyed

Un Crime. Frac Basse Normandie. 2005 |
video and projection room
Master HD-CAM
4' 40’’
5 copies and 1 AP
Commissioned by CNAP
Shot in Cherbourg. July 2004
Cameraman: Antonio Cortés
Line production: Alexandra Filiatreau, Beatrice Didier
Still Photography: Sergi Olivares
The choir: Christine Cenent, Daniel Couppey, Marie Christine Lebourgeois, Liliane Vannier, Alice Dourlen, Bartolomé Sanson, Aurélien Le Peutrec, Martin Smith, Daniel André, Jacques Mielnicki, Julie Queré, Gérard Philippe Bihina
Video editor: Adolf Alcañiz (Metronom-lab)
Video post-production: Infinia
Audio post-production: Viuda Xing pirata
Creator of the letters: Claire Le Breton
Video Assistant: David K’Dual
Making-of : François Potier,Viviane Liaudet
SNCF Guard: François Paillaute
Aknowledgments: BRITTANY FERRIES, Commandant Kernoncuff, Commandant Quéré, Johann Schulz, David Prunier, école des beaux arts de Cherbourg, Galerie Michel Rein (Paris)
News in brief (2008) Jacinto Lageira (eng)
L'Oeil #564. Jordi Colomer. Manou Farine & Bénédicte Ramade. (2004) (pdf/ fr)