FREIES MUSEUM, Berlin: exhibition from 21st March-12th April 2015, (Bülowstr. 90, 10783 Berlin)
Z/KU, Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanismus, Berlin:
Social Cannibalism, political redefinition and architecture - See more at: http://www.accioncultural.es/es/devour_social_cannibalism_political_redefinition_and_architecture#sthash.Zh3rz6OJ.dpuf
Curator: Marta Jecu
Being a research project, based on preoccupations with social-architectural phenomena, DEVOUR! blends the work of artists with architects, collectives and curators to follow the emergence of architectural or urbanistic hybrid situations, in the wake of processes of what could be called cultural and social anthropophagy. The project touches on various contexts in which hybrid structures and practices are a legacy of processes of social cannibalism: devoration, imposed absorbtion of cultural paradigma, unassimilated consumption. Their monstrous, sacrificial, suicidal, but also innovatory outcomes in architecture and living practices, permeate this project. A hybrid is exposing by its very nature the interaction of its incongruous sources. It is the outcome of a missed assimilation, an unsuccessful crossbreeding that nevertheless powered a new entity, which carries a strong political relevance and fuels a new configuration.
The exhibition at Freies Museum circles around the Brazilian early modernist notion of anthropophagy and its emancipatory potential, which accompanied the emergence of postcolonial regenerative thinking and triggered a material shape to an utopic architecture that was to create a new social identity. The artists delve into historic and present cases in which mutated and distorted structures (buildings, forms, living situations and imaginary environments) are revealed to be late consequence of lingering and often abusive Eurocentric spatialisation. Historic and archival material will be blended with contemporary artistic work.
Artists: Jordi Colomer, Matias Machado, Pedro Paiva und Joao Maria Gusmao, Edouard Baribeaud, Pedro Valdez Cardoso, AfrikPlay (Jord den Hollander, Lotte Stoops, Catarina Alves Costa, Ingrid Martens), E-Studio Luanda
A series of events at Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanismus (Z/KU Berlin) will shift the focus on recent paradigmatic global phenomena on the former East-West axis. The deficient political assimilation of the consequences that the Iron Curtain left behind in Eastern Europe and the Balkans are under scrutiny in visual presentations of researches', scholars' and architects' work. Local experts explore concrete case studies in which economic factors dictate recent cannibalistic acts. They follow how the disproportions and hypocrisia of political discourse after the Fall of communism have once again excacerbated the mutations that communist dictatorships have left – tuned into global macro-economic toxic structures. Nevertheless these mutations can also carry in micro a regenerative power that shifts thinking patterns and converts to new historical paradigms.
25th-27th March 2015
Artists: Jordi Colomer, Matias Machado, Architekten-Duo Muresanu, Vladimir US, Patrick Jambon, Andrej Mircev, Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss & Philip Plowright, Failed Architecture, Arno Brandlhuber & Cristopher Roth und Caroline Hobkinson
The exhibition in KunstKraftWerk Leipzig is meant to critically reflect, deepen and reframe the results of these two projects, introducing new artists.
30th April 4th June 2015
Artists: Jordi Colomer, Architekten-Duo Muresanu, Matias Machado, Vladimir US, Vanessa Ramos Velasquez, Andrej Mircev, Pedro Paiva & Joao Maria Gusmao, Edouard Baribeaud, Pedro Valdez Cardoso, AfrikPlay Film Archive, E-Studio Luanda, Failed Architecture
In Cooperation with SAVVY Contemporary